Calanogas, Lanao del Sur

Calanogas is a 5th class municipality in the province of Lanao del Sur, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 9,989 people in 1,481 households.

'Socio-Economic and Political Profile'


Municipality of Calanogas


SULTAN AMERIL DISIMBAN was a former sultan in Calalanoan(sultanate territory). He was known as the greatest sultan of the said place.

The municipality of Calanogas is one of the Thirty-eight municipalities in the Province of Lanao del Sur. It was created by virtue of Presidential Decree no. 1146 on May 6, 1976. Calanogas originated from two sultanate areas namely “Calalanoan” which was then part of the Municipality of Pagayawan, and “Gas” which was part of the Municipality of Pualas. Thus, the name “Calanogas” was derived from Calalanoan and Gas.


Calanogas Municipality is situated at the southwest part of the Province of Lanao del Sur. It is bounded at the north by Municipality of Pualas (Lake Dapao) on the west by the Province of Lanao del Norte, on the east by the Municipality of Pagayawan and on the south by the Municipality of Picong (formerly Sultan Gumander). It has a total land area of 97.5 sq. kilometers. Its distance from provincial center, which is Marawi, is about 50 kilometers.


The Municipality of Calanogas is politically subdivided into seventeen (17) geographical barangays such as:

Bobongaranao, Calalanoan, Gas, Inoma, Inudaran, Luguna, Mimbalawag, Ngingir, Pagalongan, Panggawalupa, Pantaon, Piksan Poblacion, Pindolonan, Punud, Tagoranao, Taliboboka, Tambak.

Barangay Piksan is the center (Poblacion) wherein the Municipality Hall is established.


Based on NSO Census of CY 2007, Municipality of Calanogas has a 21,847 population. It is composed of 99% Muslim (95% Maranao, 4% Maguindanao and 1% mixed tribe) and 1% mixed Catholic and Protestants mostly of visayan origin.


The urban core comprises six barangays namely Piksan, Ngingir, Calalanoan, Tambak, Panggawalupa, and Bobongaranao with combined population of 8,771 (C.Y. 2007 census) or 41% of the total population. Hence, the remaining 11 barangays with 13,076 inhabitants or 59% of the population are considered rural.


In terms of financial resources, Calanogas is a 6th Class Municipality. Most of its income is derived from Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) which is also true to its 17 barangays. The total income for 1997 reached P23,115,053 and the expenditures was P23,220,000. Local government financial resources are broadly classified into: locally generated income and income derived from the national government. This Municipality is among the low – income class Municipalities of Lanao del Sur. The main source of livelihood of its populace is farming. The major agricultural crops are copra, corn, rice, banana, and coffee.


Only 20% of the residents have access to potable water supply. The Barangays of Pantaon, Piksan, Inoma and Tambak are currently served by their respective Level Two Water System. During the WASH Project of the Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation, the municipality was able to identify a good source of potable water in Barangay Ngingir. The source will require huge fund to be transformed into Level 3 Water System but if developed, it could supply not only the entire locality but also its neighboring municipality.


About 65% of the barangays in Calanogas are currently energized and served by LASURECO and the remaining 35% are still relying on kerosene and oil in illuminating their respective houses.

There’s a continuing effort of the present administration to solicit commitment from the said electric cooperative to expand their coverage in the area.


The Municipality of Calanogas is classified under the fourth type of climate having distinct wet and dry seasons. The dry period usually occurs from January to April while the remaining months of the year is usually rainy seasons. The period of heavy rainfall is from June to October. The average temperature ranges from 680F to 800F throughout the year.


The municipality is mostly hilly, mountainous, and plain topography. The North East portion are categorized as both hilly and plain.


The Municipality is accessible by land transportation passing thru the concrete Narciso Ramos National Highway from Marawi City to Municipalitylity of Malabang. However, roads leading to barangays are dirt roads, which are impassable during rainy days. Horses and carabao are the mode of transportation during wet season in those areas.


The Municipality has no government owned telecommunication facilities, but with the emergence of the cellular phones and two-way radio system, relaying massages between and among the residents is possible.


The present postal service needs improvement to supplement the communication capabilities of the Municipality.


The Municipal resident can speak varying language in addition to their mother dialect which is Maranao. Other language/dialect spoken are Arabic, Visayan, Tagalog and English.


The Municipality had been a haven of bandits before but with the present administration’s sincere pursuit for peace and order, vast reduction on hold – up, kidnapping and the like was attained. However, there are still a number of family feuds who at times engaged in armed conflict.


The Municipality has a single school district with six (6) primary school located at different barangays. Two (2) National High School situated in the Barangays of Pantaon and Panggawalupa caters to the needs of the students. There’s no existing private school in the municipality.


Calanogas RHU was previously under the supervision of Dr. Serapio Montañer Memorial District Hospital being of its catchments Municipalities. Because of rampant hold – ups, kidnappings, and armed conflict between feuding families, at times between the Philippine army and insurgents, health delivery system in this Municipality was greatly affected. With the administration of Hon. Mayor Macapado M. Benito Sr. C.E., and that the peace and order situation of Calanogas started to improve. Government services started also to be systematically organized and implemented. To maximize the health delivery system of this Municipality, the newly – elected Mayor requested DOH officials to transfer the supervision of Calanogas RHU to Unayan District Hospital. It was in September 2001 that the supervision of the RHU was officially transferred to Unayan District Hospital. Health reforms were then implemented. Temporary RHU was donated by the newly – elected mayor, contractual health workers were appointed under the office of the Mayor to augment the one (1) regular DOH paid health worker (RHM) assigned in this area. It was in 2006, RHU of Calanogas was constructed thru the help of ARMM Regional Governor Hon. Datu Zaldy U. Ampatuan. This further hasten health reforms which also qualifies the RHU for foreign assisted programs like USAID – HKI and Matching Grant Programs, the Chief of Hospital of Unayan District (Dr. Raquelina A. Benito, M.P.A.) on a concurrent status acted as OIC Rural Health Physician in Calanogas giving at least two (2) day duty per week in the RHU.


'Calanogas' is politically subdivided into 17 barangays.

  • Bubonga Ranao
  • Calalaoan (Pob.)
  • Gas
  • Inudaran
  • Inoma
  • Luguna
  • Mimbalawag
  • Ngingir
  • Pagalongan
  • Panggawalupa
  • Pantaon
  • Piksan
  • Pindolonan
  • Punud
  • Tagoranao
  • Taliboboka
  • Tambac

A. Elected Officials:

B. LGU Department Heads:

C. Heads of Line Agencies Operating in the LGU:

Top Ten Achievements/Innovations

1. Have attained and Maintained Peace and Order in the Municipality

2. Improved Health Services

3. Improved the Educational System in the Locality

4. Strengthened Religious activities to instil the advantage of righteous living to the constituents

5. Participative Governance; Municipal and Barangay officials empowerment

6. Assisting families in improving their living condition thru:

7. Strengthening coordination and collaboration with donor agencies: NGOs and government agencies

8. Initiated the construction of water systems in several cluster barangays

9. Initiated the electrification of all barangays

10. Initiated construction of several farm to market roads, tire paths, barangays halls, a municipal gymnasium, multi-purpose buildings, school buildings, post harvest facilities and footbridges.

External links